Under reconstruction (2013-04-09)

Use the submenu to the right to find the page you're looking for.

Since April 2013 this page has been split into smaller but easier to follow pieces. Only a handful of all the links are left here to the right. They too, should eventually be transfered to wherever they belong under the submenu. I don't know when this will happen. But you may still find all the links originally presented here either under the submenu or on this page.




Entomological equipment

Australian Entomological Supplies (Australia)

For australian and south east asian cutomers. Also have books on sale,

Entomological equipment for collectors (Czech Republic)
Former Firm Carabid. Another firm selling pins and other entomological equipment.

Anglian Lepidopterist Supplies (UK)

A brittish site for entomological stuff.

ButterflySupply (Malmö, Sweden)

Butterfly Breeding and collecting materials. Good supplier of seeds of important host plants.

Useful databases

HOSTS - a Database of the Worlds Lepidopteran Hostplants


Entomological notebooks (Finland)

This is a site I've been thinking of creating myself. Handwritten notebooks from entomologists are digitized, retyped and made public.

Satúrnidos (Barcelona, Spain)

Spanish site by Manel Moreno with some useful information on how to breed a few species of Saturniidae. He also runs Barcelona Butterfly Farm where you sometimes can buy live pupae.


Reports and proposals
Cyberspace is dynamic. New pages emerge while others disappear. About once a year I test all links to see if they are still valid. All members are welcome to help me by reporting any changes or proposing new sites to be included here.